Category Archives: Healthy Fingernails

6/27/12 – FROM THE DESK OF DR. HILDY™ – Vitamin B-12

FROM THE DESK OF DR. HILDY™                  VITAMIN B12

by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1         Series 1:  Vitamins & Minerals

© May 26, 2012

Vitamin B-12 Sources

(This vitamin is found mainly in liver, kidney, muscle meats, oysters, milk, eggs, cheese and salt-water fish.  Of the vegetable foods, yeast, wheat germ and soybeans have cobalimin content, but  only small traces of it.)

with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger

LISTEN TO HOUR 2 – Dr. Hildy and Shoshanna discuss B-VITAMINS and specifically Vitamin B-6 and then Vitamin B-12

~~~ Archived here for your listening convenience~~~

This vitamin is essential for the blood-forming organs of the bone marrow if they are to function properly.  Also, the nervous system depends upon this vitamin for nutrition.  One of the ingredients of this vitamin is cobalt, and it appears from the study of scientific materials that Vitamin B12 is now being referred to as cobalamin, because of the importance of cobalt in the diet.  Likewise, zinc is associated with this vitamin, the studies indicating that the vitamin cannot be synthesized without the help of zinc.  Vitamin B12 is also needed to help form hemoglobin scale.  Thus this vitamin is important for the prevention of anemia.  It also combines with folic acid to help produce the vital red blood cells.  Actually, it has been stated that less than one millionth of a gram of cobalamin is needed daily to meet the human body requirements.

The lack of cobalamin may cause pernicious anemia, due to the inability of the bone marrow to form blood when this vitamin is absent.  A symptom of lack of cobalamin is a shuffling gait.  Another indication is a loss of sense of position of the feet.  In severe cases, where there has been a degeneration of the spinal cord, there may be nerve and brain damage and even complete paralysis.

Another result of this deficiency is general malnutrition, marked by an insufficient production of sex hormones with the resultant lack of development or shriveling of Read the rest of this entry

4/2/12-FROM THE DESK OF DR. HILDY-Series 2- BioEthnoticity and Nanotechnology – Cinnabar and Nanocheops

From the Desk of Dr. Hildy™

© March 6, 2012

Series 2: BioEthnoticity & Nanotechnology 


Emperor Qin Shibuangdi, First Emperor of the Ming-dynasty

Emperor Qin Shibuangdi, First Emperor of the Ming-dynasty

Cinnabar was “truly one” with Qin Shibuangdi, First Emperor of the Ming-dynasty (ruled 221-210 BCE) and the earliest known imperial patron of alchemy, next to Rudolf the Great of Hapsburg in 1218 AD for Europe.  Despite the time periods Confucian disapproval of both the First Emperor and his fondness of alchemy, the ingestion of gold – or, rather, the transformed gold- appears to have remained quite popular throughout the Han dynasty.   However, most Han dynasty alchemists worked with cinnabar, sometimes with fatal results.  Cinnabar (mercury sulfide) is an ore of mercury that is a deep vermilion in color.  When heated, cinnabar produces liquid mercury, and further heating and combination of mercury and sulfur will in turn reproduce cinnabar (a cyclical transformation that particularly intrigued Chinese alchemists).  Mercury was further amalgamated with other metals (gold and lead in particular) producing elixirs to be ingested. While cinnabar itself was non-toxic- indeed it still maintains a prominent place in traditional Chinese medicine –

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From the Desk of Dr. Hildy™

St. Patrick’s Day © March 17, 2012

Series 1: Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin B-1

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamin or thiamine.  However there are several vitamins in the B complex, and they are all interdependent and should all be taken at the same time.  A failure to have all of the B complex vitamins may lower the body’s resistance to disease.  Thiamine is especially valuable as an aid in the metabolism of carbohydrates.  Unless carbohydrates can be converted into energy, the individual will lack energy, drive and sparkle.  This vitamin is considered essential for reproductive powers and for proper nerve function. 

Wheat Germ B-1

Wheat Germ B-1

An insufficient supply of thiamine can result in a variety of symptoms related to the functioning of the nervous system, such as irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite and constipation.  At times the arms and legs may feel numb due to the unhealthy nerves.  The lack of sufficient thiamine may cause beri-beri, the disease marked by extreme weakness, loss of appetite and weight, digestive disturbances, painful neuritis, and even paralysis.  The heart action is likely to become abnormal and mental depression is a common symptom.  The individual becomes short of breath with by very little exertion.  An insufficient supply of this vitamin also prevents the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is needed for digestion of food.  Thiamin is a part of the enzyme system that breaks down pyruvic and lactic acids, releasing energy.  Read the rest of this entry


From the Desk of Dr. Hildy™

© March 21, 2012

Series 1: Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin B-2 

Vitamin B2, also known as Vitamin G, was

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin

discovered in 1932 and given its name and identity in 1937.  It’s chemical formula is C17H20N4O6.  It is also known as riboflavin.
It is an important factor in growth and development of the body and promotes a healthy condition of the skin.  It is especially valuable in combination with Vitamin A for prevention and correction of cataracts and for health of the skin, hair and eyes.  This vitamin is also important to the body in assimilating iron and proteins.  Being water-soluble, it is not easily stored in the body.  It is affected by light but not by air or heat. An important chemical function of this vitamin is to break down starches and sugars into

Bulgarian Elder now 98, Dobri Dobrev

Bulgarian Elder now 98, Dobri Dobrev

energy, a function similar to that of Vitamin B1.  This enables the body to better resist infectious disease and is necessary for good health and vitality.  An ample supply of this vitamin will help produce healthier offspring and delay the bodily changes that often accompany increasing years of life.  It is said that the Centenarians of Bulgaria have a diet rich in Vitamin B2.A lack of Vitamin B2 may cause inflammation of the membrane of the eye and eyelids (conjunctivitis), lips that become sore and red and later cracked and peeled, especially at the mouth corners.  Often, the first sign of deficiency is dimness of vision at a distance or in poor light.  The cornea (the white, glasslike area of the eyeball) may become bloodshot and inflamed if the deficiency is allowed to continue.  The theory is that this vitamin carries oxygen, and when no oxygen arrives the body forms new blood vessels to bring oxygen to the parts lacking it.  An absence of riboflavin produced cataracts in experimentations.

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